Hessia Film- & Media Academy

Corporate Design

HFMA corporate design animated logo
HFMA corporate design business card
HFMA Corporate Design Poster

The Game of Life

The Hessian Film & Media Academy (hfma) is a network of film and art colleges in Hesse / Germany. The affiliated universities retain their independence in teaching and benefit from cooperating with each other.

With the hfma office, students, professors and external industry partners have a moderator for further ideas that go beyond the boundaries of their own institution, a catalyst that brings together interdisciplinary approaches and a coordinator for overarching joint projects.

And last but not least, it is a cross-media practice, one that understands film and media training as a whole and adapts it to the requirements of the time - according to their motto: Better never stops!

In order to make this institution more public, our concept discontinued the use of the logo. Instead, we integrated it into a key visual to convey the message to the public in a modern and self-confident manner. The result was clear: the medium is the message and its constant production is the greatest concern.

Thorough research on the topic of media laid the foundation. It was important for us to make the change in the media tangible through the individual elements such as typography (inspired by the typeletter) and graphics. The dissolving of the logo and transforming it into the key visual, shapes the design to a modern and clear language. It was inspired by the first mentioned artificial intelligence (AI) by John Horton Conway's "Game of Life" and sees itself as a reproducing form of life, developed into one of the first animated logos. The visual identity follows the basic understanding of the institution: Go forward. Go better.



Design Direction

Marcus Hein


Corporate Design, Branding

HFMA Corporate Design Merchandising
HFMA corporate design various media